Tuesday 14 August 2012

Vagabond: a person who wanders from place to place, without a home or job. 

(bum, tramp, hobo) 

My life has always had routine. School for 20 years, intersected with summer jobs starting at the age of 12. Graduation, career, steady pay check, minimal vacation. Everything done right. Oh, many of my plans fell apart, and things didn't always happen in my preferred order. But I have always been responsible; I like to do what is expected of me.

Well, that is all about to change! ...I am moving in a new direction. SCARY!

Please, let me introduce myself as the Unlikely Vagabond.

To Do List:

1. Give notice of departure.
2. Buy a place ticket.
3. Buy a backpack.
4. Pack up all of my belongings.
5. Travel the world with my two personal and experienced tour guides! I am eager to be their Third Wheel for an 8-week adventure :)

6. Do a little Eat-ing...Mmmm. Do a little Pray-ing...Ommm. Do a little Love-ing...Hmmm, which is when my journey begins with this guy. (*he really is proving himself to be a patient person*)

Around the Globe and to the South.

I am excited. I am nervous. But I feel lucky that I can move on in a new direction. I am eager to embrace the Miller/LeBlanc craving for travel and adventure. I am ready to see the world a little differently. 

And I am ready to find out what comes next in life...

1 comment:

  1. And the oldest of the traveling siblings is very proud of you (and somewhat, actually very, jealous) for taking a leap of faith. My personal motto 'The greatest risk in life is to risk nothing at all'. So go, enjoy, take it all in, and grab the travel bug. The real world will always be waiting for you on the other side :)
