Tuesday 15 May 2012

Don't Forget Your........

All packed hoping for somewheres to go......

Since graduating from high school nine years ago, I have not spent more than a year at a time anywhere. My record in any given place/space is 11 months, but I'm not even sure if that counts: I went mad with wanderlust long before then. I think I have always been somewhat of a restless spirit, always longing to be somewheres other than where I am. I have literally lived out of a suitcase since the age of 18. I have a psychological hobo disorder which forces me to always have a bag packed and ready by the door. You know, just in case I have the urge to flee in the middle of the night, I will be ready. Anyways, after many years, and numerous trips under my belt, I have realized that there are a few things that I cannot live without when I am on the road. The following is a list of my top 5 travel essentials.

1. My Eyeglasses: A no-brainer. We all know what happens to Piggy in "The Lord of the Flies." Poor kid loses his eyesight and his friends eat him. Someday, when my plane crashes over the Bermuda Triangle and I become stranded on a desert island, I'll be able to see the savage beast in front of me who is about to turn me into his lunch.

2. A Blanket: There is no worse feeling than being cold on an airplane. To save time and money, I usually fly or take long distance bus rides at night. A blanket for me is a must to keep warm, comfortable, and content.

3. Essential Books and Pens: These include a DK travel book (my preferred guidebook), a notebook (to jot down ideas and random thoughts), my journal (to write what I do on any given day), and a book that I am currently reading or no longer want (to swap at hostel book exchanges).

4. A Printed Copy of Dr. Seuss' "Oh The Places You'll Go": I have a sad confession to make. Although my parents were big on bedtime stories (I was read to even as a zygote), they were not fans of Dr. Seuss. Whether it was due to his lack of proper English, his terrible grammar, or his use of words that may or may not be suggestive of pedophilia, I was only exposed to his work once a year during a viewing of "The Grinch That Stole Christmas." I was in my early twenties before I had even heard of this book. I was watching an episode of "Everwood" where Ephram's deceased mother gives him a copy on his graduation day. The first time I heard an excerpt from this book, I got goosebumps. I was beyond touched when a few years later, Marcella printed off a copy for me of my very own. Now I carry it with me wherever I go for inspiration. And it still gives me chills every time I read it.

5. Closed-Toe Shoes:  Even though I am usually barefoot or wearing sandals 99% of the time, I always pack a pair of closed toe shoes (ballet flats are my preferred proper footwear of choice). These are to be worn during the times I may be travelling somewheres potentially dangerous, where I might have a greater chance of being robbed. I hide money in these shoes, so that if something happens to me, I will at least be able to make my way back to my accommodations.

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