Wednesday 2 May 2012

Goldilocks Minus the Three Bears


Name: Theresa (aka Tessie Pooh-Pooh)
Age: 27
Occupation: Discontented Nurse (most of my major meltdowns, moments of truth, and flight bookings have taken place during or shortly after 4am clean-ups of pooh).
Hobbies/Interests: Art (painting), health food, surfing, zoology, cultures, and good books.
Favorite Travel Quote: "Go out, travel and see the world, and if at the end of the day, it is not what you want, you can always go home." Not really a quote, but great advice I was given one day from my roomate when I was feeling homesick.
Number of Countries visited thus far: 16
Top 5 Travel goals: 1) Volunteer at an animal sanctuary in Africa 2) Plan a backpacking trip from Mozambique to Namibia 3) Travel with my Dad to see the polar bears in Churchill, Manitoba 4) Spend a year living in a foreign country with my kids (if I ever have any) 5) Travel up a coastline in an old VW hippie van to paint and surf.
Dream Journey: A hot air balloon ride over the Serengeti, watching animals migrate.
Feelings about starting out: Terrified of the unknown, but excited about the endless possibilities.
Big Things that Bite: Being thrown into quarantine for 4 days for an epic case of bed bugs. Developing a third boob due to swimming in dodgy water. Undergoing emergency surgery to have it removed upon return home. Adverse reactions to malarial pills. Retching from dehydration. Being kept awake all night because your hostel mates snore. Sharing a one toilet bathroom with 14 other travellers. Food poisoning/Bali belly.
Favorite Travel Memory: Walking an hour through the Brazilian rainforest in the middle of a thunderstorm to go surfing at the most beautiful, secluded beach you could possibly imagine.
Least Favorite Travel Memory: Being the only foreigner and the butt of a joke on a local bus in Tanzania.
You know it`s time to go Home when: You spend the best part of your day crying on a bench in Zanzibar, realizing you are just a privileged white girl who cannot do anything to help solve Africa's problems.
You know you`ve made it when: You get mistaken for a local in a foreign country.
Aha Moment: Descending into Ngorongoro Crater.
Favorite Travel Treat: Acai.
Books that Inspire: Anything about female zoologists or surfers, or being stranded on a deserted island (Survivor doesn't count).
Best Travel Discovery: Morro Sao Paulo, a little island off of Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.
Best Travel Find: My super creepy African Dance Mask.
How I prepare to go: Check out oodles of books from the library, book my flight, patch the holes in my backpack, hop in Simon's taxi (or the Earle Mobile) and go!
Why I Travel: As corny or cliche as this may sound, I travel because it is what makes me feel most alive and live in the present.
People who Inspire: Jane Goodall, and the hosts from the tv show "On Surfari." I hope I am able to someday raise my family in a similar lifestyle.
Favorite Country Thus Far: Brazil--The people and their zest for life, language, weather, vibrant culture, food, dancing, coastline, beaches-- loved pretty much everything about it (I stayed away from Rio).
Favorite part about Travel: Meeting locals and other travellers and hearing their stories. Learning about different cultures and their customs.
Worst part about Travel: Saying good-bye to people you meet along the way whom you are most likely never to see again. There are times when I have escaped in the middle of the night to avoid having to do this (I am a coward).

1 comment:

  1. Eunice, what`s in the water in Liverpool? Where on earth did you pick up those "puppies"? teehee

