Wednesday 23 May 2012

Marcella`s Gluttonous Pursuits

There are MANY household chores that bother me. Gee, where do I start? Dusting absolutely makes me want to slit my wrists, I don`t even own an iron (nor to I apparently know how to pronounce the word! haha), and don`t even get me started on having to fold laundry (apparently the urge (gene?) to delicately form socks into a perfect giftlike fold was one not handed down to me). Shudder. Parusing through grocery store aisles focused on the reading of foreign food labels has long been an undisputable passion of mine. In South Korea, I compared a visit to the local Cosco to a trip to Disney World. In Massena, New York, I spent my first Friday night in Cornwall on a 3 hour stint to the nearby Wal-mart Supercentre. There is likely not a single food label between here and Colombo that this girl has not poked at, crooned over, or drooled at. I know for a fact that I would kick ass every time at the Price is Right "guess the exact price" game. As a matter of fact, I`m still waiting for Bob Barker to call  me to put me to the challenge!

That being said- when I travel, one of my all time favourite things to do is to visit the local food store. Such an experience brings me to a whole new level of happiness that most people would consider rather bizarre. It`s a rather odd fixation, actually, as there are times whereby I will make a mad dash for the local supermarket, spend hours inside, only to then opt not to buy anything. I suppose my diagnosis would be that I am a very visual person whom needs a great deal of tangible stimuli. I`m pretty sure that this is what keeps me seeking new exotic experiences- the push to see new and vibrant experiences. I call it adult ADHD, but maybe it`s just the way a certain breed of us folk are hardwired.

Enough of my Sigmund Freud ramble. Allow me to introduce to you some of my most exciting overseas finds. I`ve already developed for myself a scavenger hunt list for our upcoming journey with a few of these numbers on it... At present, I am counting down the days until I can be once again reacquainted with some of the following treasures:

1. Bibimbap (South Korea):  I`m not exactly proud to say this... I mean at 28 years of age, it doesn`t exactly make me cool to admit this, but my teenage years were spent showing up at the next party with a purse full of wine coolers (Wildberry to be exact). I remember a beer drinking friend who thought she was pretty stand up cool telling me that beer was an acquired taste. At the time, I couldn`t quite grasp the concept of acquiring a taste for something. That is- until I spent seven months in South Korea and came across this wonderful little number: rice, egg, hot sauce, grated vegetables. It may not have been love at first taste... but six years later and I will still occasionally crave it.

2. Potato and Corn on Pizza (South Korea): I know what you`re thinking: Potato on pizza? The saying "don`t knock it `til you`ve tried it" comes to mind. A fabulous addition to any pizza. It`s a shame that I abandoned the concept when I returned home and realized that the potato didn`t quite cook to the same pace as the rest of the dish.

3. Roasted Herb and Garlic Chickpeas (Australia): Would you believe that I didn`t even know what a chickpea was until I was about 22 years of age and finally came to learn that a dip called hummus existed outside of the Margaree bubble? In Australia, I fell upon this incredible roasted chickpea snack that very quickly became my pre- work snack of choice.

4. Coconut Water (All over Asia, Fiji, Vanuatu): Warm, hot, cold. It doesn`t matter. There`s something about drinking out of an actual harvested coconut thats sends chills up my spine. To be honest, I`m not even sure I like the taste all that much...

5. Rose petal wine (Panama): My theory is that once upon a time someone was enjoying a highly intoxicated glass of bubbly next to a vase of roses when some petals fell in and they stumbled upon a discovery worth being shared with the rest of the world. Kudos to you, lil drunk fella:)

6. Flat white coffees (Australia):  Okay- so we would likely call it a cappucino in Canada, but there`s something about calling it by it`s Aussie name that makes it taste that much better!

7). Pomegranate Juice (South Korea):  It likely contains more sugar than a box of fruit loops and heaven forbid should you dribble some on your new white blouse, but there`s no denying it`s smooth taste...

8). Slim sensations snack bars (Australia):  A great hunger buster!

9). Deep fried eggplant (Philippines): Whoever thought to take the vegetable that likely has the ability to soak up the highest quantities of oil and fry it in a pan in a batter wasn`t exactly looking out for our health, but the Filipinas are on to something...

10). Momo (Nepal): A light snack food sure to impress visitors.

11). Cookie dough Kit Kat chocolate bars (Australia):  The picture speaks for itself.

12). Green tea flavoured Kit Kat bars (Japan):  I came. I saw. I conquered... a green tea kit kat bar!

13. Jumbo Asian Pears (South Korea):  I`ve since discovered that the local Farm Boy handles these bad boys, but my first bite into one of these in Korea and I thought I had died and gone to apple/pear heaven.

14). Pizza Snack Crackers (South Korea): I almost ordered these on Ebay once! haha

15). 3 in 1 milk tea packets (Philippines):  I`ve never had the palate for tea but while living in the Philippines, I would send myself to bed early on most nights in anticipation of the morning`s brew.

16). Lime Cordial (Australia): I`ve never been a fan of water, but I was likely the most hydrated I`ve ever been when I lived in Australia thanks to this little addition.

17). Shapes Crackers (Australia):  The Aussie version of Crispers.

18). Boost smoothies (Australia): Take away the "ER" at the end and you`ve got a super healthy and oober delicious smoothie concoction ... Aussie- style.
19). Tim Tam Cookies (Australia):  Australia`s national dish.

20). Boost Chocolate bar (Australia):  I`d sell my left kidney for a bite of one of these monsters.

21). Low calorie yellowglen champagne (Australia): Australian wine in a box (goon) is highly overrated. This is the reason why my liver post Australia is still intact. Muah!

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