Wednesday 2 May 2012

Just Call Me Flipper Feet


Name: Marcella (aka. Flipper or Canoe Feet)
Age: 28 (but haven`t celebrated a birthday since I was 24, so technically...? Wishful thinking! haha)
Occupation: Baby Snatcher
Hobbies/Interests: Writing/blogging, discovering other cultures, running, baking.
Favorite Travel Quote: "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain
Number of Countries visited thus far: 16 (18 if you count buying green tea kit kat bars in Tokyo!haha)
Top 5 Travel goals: 1). 30 countries by the time I`m 30, 2). To write something meaningful with the beach as my inspiration, 3). To not come home dead broke, 4). To push myself to do something I didn`t think I was capable of doing, 5). To indulge more in local delicacies.
Dream Journey: A journey of wandering through the contradictions of modern Morocco... wandering through the bazaars!
Feelings about starting out: Like I`m a snail being pulled out of her shell (panic attack city!)
Big Things that Bite: A wet bathing suit as you`re heading out, countries that don`t believe in the concept of toilet paper, & being chased down the streets by a stampede of hungry children carrying infants (Manila, the Philippines)
Favorite Travel Memory: Bringing a street full of hungry children to a donut counter for treats (Philippines), Having Boracay beach to myself in low season (Boracay, Philippines), Calling room #3 home with a group of British gals at Surfside and all of the shenanigans (Coogee, Australia)
Least Favorite Travel Memory: Being attacked and nearly bitten on the chest by a macaque in the Scared Monkey Forest (Bali, Indonesia)
You know it`s time to go Home when: Mick and his best friend Mick... become your best friends and you refer to them as your "Micks", cockroaches crawling over your toes no longer fazes you, and when your current boss feels the need to remind you on a daily basis that as a backpacker you are easily replaceable.
You know you`ve made it when: The shoes on your feet no longer have bottom surfaces and you`ve got a bank account full of cash.
Aha Moment: Staring out the balcony at the mountain stretch in Nagarkot (Nepal)... taking a deep breathe in and wishing this moment would never end.
Favorite Travel Treat: Ooey gooey goodness of a cookie dough kit kat bar (Australia)
Books that Inspire: I know I know... but "Eat Pray Love" tops it off.
Best Travel Discovery: Coogee to Bondi Coastwalk (Australia)
Best Travel Find: $4 beach massages (Thailand) (no happy ending!)
How I prepare to go: Somewhere in the likes of 200- 500 hours worth of number crunching and flight finding.
Why I Travel: Because every single day is a series of cartwheels, headstands, intense ferris wheel rides... and just when you thought you couldn`t push yourself any further along... Pow! You amaze yourself at your own capabilities. Travel brings colour back into my world... it`s like painting my own personal rainbow:)... Oh yeah- and did I mention that it has been 27 months, 14 hours, fifty five minutes and 18 seconds since my last BOOST chocolate bar? Far out!
People who Inspire: Those I meet along the way who have been globetrotting for many years and still have that glimmer in their eyes... the same passion they had when first starting out. I came across one such lady in her 40s while waiting in an airport (India).
Favorite Country Thus Far: Nepal. No explanation needed.
Favorite part about Travel: Being blown away by the cheapie cheapie finds & feeling like money in your country grows on trees!
Worst part about Travel: Looking someone whom has become an important character in your life straight in the eyes and saying good-bye...not just for today... or tomorrow... but likely until the end of time.

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